Buckeye CTF 2021: Headless Horseman

This challenge was a medium-difficulty reverse-engineering challenge for Buckeye CTF 2021. It was basicallly 4 reverse engineering challenges in one. It was a very sP0oooKy halloween-themed challenge 👻.

Headless Horseman

We are given the zip file headless_horseman containing the following:

Folder Contents

In the README file there is a Sp0oOO0ooKy message:


We begin by checking out the headless_horseman binary. When we run it asks us to give the horseman some pumpkins.

We enter 1, and it says we haven’t given the horseman enough pumpkins: headless_horseman

We must inspect the binary to figure out what is enough pumpkins.

Using ghidra we open and decompile the binary. We find the function count_offering, which calls two functions first_count, and second_count which decide whether or not we have offered enough pumpkins to the horseman: count_offering

The function first_count contains the following:

int first_count(uint param_1){
    return param_1 >> 0x10 == 0xdead;

The function second_count contains the following:

int second_count(int param_1){
    return param_1 == 0xface;   

In order for our offering to be accepted by the horseman it must pass both counts.

The correct offering is 0xdeadface because its spooky, and because …

For first_count:

When we perform bitwise shift right we add 0 to the front, and drop the least significant bit, so for:

0xdeadface >> 0x10
11011110 10101101 11111010 11001110 >> 16
We get:
00000000 00000000 11011110 10101101
11011110 10101101 = 0xdead

For second count: This one is in truncation due to casting. The offering is first cast to an signed int when we call second_count (int second_count(int param_1)) and truncated into a unsigned short when it is compared to 0xdead:

// second_count:
#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
 int a = 0xdeadface;
 printf("%u\n", a);
 printf("%d\n", a);
 printf("%u\n", (unsigned short)((signed)a));
 return 0;
// Output:
// 3735943886
// -559023410
// 64206 = 0xface

So 0xdeadface passes both counts.

We try it with the correct offering, and we get the following: correct_offering

It creates 6 head files:

crazyeights@es-base:~/Downloads/headless_horseman/distributed_files$ file *

dessicated_head:   ERROR: error reading

fetid_head:        ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)

moldy_head:        ERROR: error reading

putrid_head:       ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)

shrunken_head:     ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV)

swollen_head:      ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)

It seems that we need to match the head files to the body files in body_bag.

If we look in bloated_body we find the following base64 string: bloated_bodyb64

We decode this and we get: bloated_body_flag

I got rick-rolled…….. 😟 We can assume that this is first part of the flag.

We now must figure out the other 2 bodies.

First we need to match the head files to the body files and combine them. I tried to guess the head-body matches manually but failed, so I wrote a script to do it for me.

heads = ["dessicated_head", "fetid_head", "moldy_head", "putrid_head", "shrunken_head", "swollen_head"]
bodies = ["body_bag/decomposing_body", "body_bag/bloated_body", "body_bag/rotting_body"]
for h in heads:
    for b in bodies:
        print("cat {0} {1} > {2}", h, b, (h+"_"+b.split("/")[1]+"1"))
        print("chmod a+x "+(h+"_"+b.split("/")[1]+"1"))

This script prints the bash commands to create all combinations of heads and bodies: body_combos

We get the following files. We can see that the files dessicated_head_decomposing_body1, and shrunken_head_rotting_body1 appear to good (as well as moldy_head_bloated_body1, but we already the flag part from it): result_files

We begin with dessicated_head_decomposing_body1. This one was easier. “Katrina” asks for an encryption key that is either the street they grew up on, or her hometown. In the README.txt file there is following line:

A mysterious figure has been terrorizing the village of Sleepy Hollow.

We can assume that their hometown in Sleepy Hollow. We get the following: katrina_flag

We now have two flag parts which makes flag{the_horseman_really_loves_.

One to go!

We run shrunken_head_decomposing_body1, “Bron” asks us to give him some amount of medicine to clear his thoughts. When we enter a number it gives us the following hint: brom

This implies that we must do some sort of buffer overflow. Using ghidra we decompile the binary, and we find the following function. brom_func

We can see to get the flag we must modify the value of local_10.

//local_10 is set to 
local_10 = -0x21524111;
//local_10 is checked against 0x44414544:
bVar1 = local_10 != 0x44414544;
// if bVar1 is false then we get the flag so we need to set local_10 equal to 0x44414544

// Since it appears right after the buffer local_24, which we write the amount of medicine to give brom to, then if we can overflow local_24 then we can alter the value of local_10.

Since local_10 is directly after local_24 in the stack, and since local_24 is initialized (when we write the amount of medicine to give Bron to it), after local_10, writing outside of the 20 bytes allocated for local_24 will write to local_10.

We use metasploit’s pattern generator to generate a value that is exactly 20 bytes. buffer

Since we want to make local_10 equal to 0x44414544 our payload is:

payload = 'Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa'+'\x44\x45\x41\x44'

We use the ptrlib module to write a script to test our payload. This just create a process, runs the binary, and writes our payload to stdin after we recieve the line asking for the amount of medicine to give.

from ptrlib import *

sock = Process("./shrunken_head_rotting_body1")
sock.recvuntil("'think you have any medicine to help straighten out my thoughts?'")
payload = 'Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa'+'\x44\x45\x41\x44'



We run this and get: bron_payload

So our flag is:


Nice! Happy Halloween! 🎃